
The Comoro client process is designed for the company to answer 3 fundamental questions related to their recruitment decision when it comes to finding the right candidate for the role.

  1. Technical capability: Does the candidate have the right skills and knowledge?
  2. Budget: Is the level of investment right?
  3. Cultural fit: Can we work with them? Do we want to?
  • Client discovery

    It all starts with a business conversation with you the client. During the initial meeting Comoro gets to understand the business strategy, competitive landscape and culture of the organisation before discussing the role and gathering requirements for the position.

    Client discovery

  • Search and Select

    We then carry out a wide search where we reach out to all parts of the market in order to capture candidates who are actively looking as well as passive, hard to find talent.

    Search and Select

  • Narrow the field

    We narrow the field to create a shortlist of suitable candidates that meet the role’s requirements on paper. We conduct primary interviews by telephone to see if the candidates match your needs and if they are interested in the role and company. Finally, we select those candidates to move forward to the next stage.

    Narrow the field

  • Candidate meeting

    The Comoro face-to-face or video interviews are a crucial part of the recruitment process. Here we find out more about the candidate, unlocking the extra 10% that is often not found in their CV. From this stage we finalise our shortlist of suitable candidates to be put forward for review.

    Candidate meeting

  • Candidate submission

    We submit details of each qualified candidate. This includes relevant skills, experience and a detailed summary of why we believe they are a good fit for the role. For many clients, we arrange a briefing call where we fully discuss the merits of each candidate submitted.

    Candidate submission

  • Interview

    Once you have selected which candidates you would like to interview from the shortlist, Comoro step back in to organise the interview and fully brief and prepare the candidates accordingly.


  • Feedback loop

    Interviews can often be a multi-stage process involving telephone, face-to-face interviews, technical or psychometric testing, role play and presentations. Comoro is at hand to ensure that at each stage both you and the candidate receive timely and relevant feedback.

    Feedback loop

  • Offer

    When you have selected a suitable candidate, Comoro will act as the honest broker to ensure that both you and the candidate are happy with the details of the offer and the start date is agreed.


  • Post Placement Review

    Once the offer has been accepted, our work at Comoro is not done. We follow up with both you and the candidate at the 1 and 3 month intervals to ensure that everything is working out.

    Post Placement Review

  • Client discovery

    It all starts with a business conversation with you the client. During the initial meeting Comoro gets to understand the business strategy, competitive landscape and culture of the organisation before discussing the role and gathering requirements for the position.

    Client discovery

  • Search and Select

    We then carry out a wide search where we reach out to all parts of the market in order to capture candidates who are actively looking as well as passive, hard to find talent.

    Search and Select

  • Narrow the field

    We narrow the field to create a shortlist of suitable candidates that meet the role’s requirements on paper. We conduct primary interviews by telephone to see if the candidates match your needs and if they are interested in the role and company. Finally, we select those candidates to move forward to the next stage.

    Narrow the field

  • Candidate meeting

    The Comoro face-to-face or video interviews are a crucial part of the recruitment process. Here we find out more about the candidate, unlocking the extra 10% that is often not found in their CV. From this stage we finalise our shortlist of suitable candidates to be put forward for review.

    Candidate meeting

  • Candidate submission

    We submit details of each qualified candidate. This includes relevant skills, experience and a detailed summary of why we believe they are a good fit for the role. For many clients, we arrange a briefing call where we fully discuss the merits of each candidate submitted.

    Candidate submission

  • Interview

    Once you have selected which candidates you would like to interview from the shortlist, Comoro step back in to organise the interview and fully brief and prepare the candidates accordingly.


  • Feedback loop

    Interviews can often be a multi-stage process involving telephone, face-to-face interviews, technical or psychometric testing, role play and presentations. Comoro is at hand to ensure that at each stage both you and the candidate receive timely and relevant feedback.

    Feedback loop

  • Offer

    When you have selected a suitable candidate, Comoro will act as the honest broker to ensure that both you and the candidate are happy with the details of the offer and the start date is agreed.


  • Post Placement Review

    Once the offer has been accepted, our work at Comoro is not done. We follow up with both you and the candidate at the 1 and 3 month intervals to ensure that everything is working out.

    Post Placement Review

See how Comoro can help you

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